the will to live
Ciao, my name is Danielle Carlson, welcome to my blog. This is my place for expression of thoughts and emotions, basically things that go on in the head of a teen like myself.

the archive
februari 2011
mars 2011
april 2011
maj 2011
juni 2011
juli 2011
augusti 2011
oktober 2011

måndag 30 maj 2011 @ 13:41

I can not help but to smile.

You make my dopamine levels go all silly!

@ 12:12

I want to write my own words,
I want to sing my own songs,
I want to play my own music
and dance all day long.

Mother-daughter bond
söndag 29 maj 2011 @ 04:35

My love for you has no limits, mother.

söndag 8 maj 2011 @ 12:33

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little,
and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick,
and if we got sick, at least we didn't die;
so let us all be thankful."

don't push me away
fredag 6 maj 2011 @ 15:59

If you could only see the pain behind that smile. Release me.

onsdag 4 maj 2011 @ 09:22

I'm really positive and hopeful about the future. I hope it will remain that way.

I know I write a lot of random stuff here that may not always make sense to you readers, but I don't really care. For me, it's all about letting go of what others will think and express myself, my thoughts and emotions for a moment. I'm doing this for me.

just a casually good day
tisdag 3 maj 2011 @ 13:39

Today is a good day.

Even though the weather sucked and I've been feeling like a zombie all day, now I feel good, alive and free! School is no worries, friends, love - yeah, I've nothing to complain about!

Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
and today is a gift - that's why we call it the present.

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

love sleep
måndag 2 maj 2011 @ 11:56

Tired, cranky, totally exhausted - need some sleep and some love.